Category Archives: END OF LIFE ON EARTH

What Happens After Death



What happens when we die? When we are young, that question rarely enters our minds. However, when a loved one dies or gets aged and sick, we think about the “End Of Life On This Earth,” and is there anything after our life ends here.

The King James Bible is very specific on what happens after death. Many religions have many ideas about this matter, but that is simply what their religion believes. I believe what the Holy Spirit God, who is the author of the Bible, has to say about this matter.

After all, God created this universe, this world, and everything in it and under it. For the true Christian, and I mean a Born Again Believer. Jesus Christ when talking to a Leader of the Jews when asked about Heavenly things emphatically said in John 3:7 “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” That was not a suggestion. It is a command to anyone who wants to be with God when this life is over.

Born Again is another way of saying, SAVED from going to hell. Simon Peter said in Acts 4:12, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (SAVED from going to hell)

As in my own great nation, the problem in this world is that the vast majority of the people do not read the Holy Bible. We can find a bible in many homes in America, but you won’t find many people reading it and rarely find them studying it.

I will add a short video to share my thoughts.

I could actually title this End Of Life As We Don’t Know it. Most people lead a robotic life. By that I mean we, at least before the Covid 19 Pandemic we did the same thing every day. If we had a job, many people got up at the same time and did our usual morning routine.

Then we got into our car, took the same route to work, did the same work, then came home the same route, did our normal routine, dinner, communicating with family and friends, helping kids with homework, taking them to soccer, come home, go to bed and get ready for the same routine the next day.

I did something like that all my working life. However, one thing we did little in our younger stages of life was to consider our death, as it was not a pleasant thing to think about, not only for ourselves but for our family.

I centered this article on the end of our life, and particularly on what happens after death. Have you seriously considered what happens at the end of your life?

For almost fifty years, I did not think of death. I was definitely only thinking of the present. What a fool I was. I was also a religious person. Again I say, “What A Fool I was.” Religion does not get anyone to Heaven! Look at some religions of this world. They all tell you a different way.

My parents brought me up in a Catholic family, but I had many friends who followed other denominations. I remember a Protestant Church nearby opened the doors to their gymnasium every Saturday so we Catholics who didn’t have a gym at school could come. I thought that was pretty nice. However, they never once mentioned anything about how we get to heaven. That was not nice!

Most religions that I understood follow their own traditions with a little of Jesus Christ thrown in. I had a good friend who Was Jewish, but we never talked about Heaven or Hell.

So here I was approaching my fiftieth birthday, and I and my friends or cohorts did not know about what happens after death. Then everything changed almost in an instant. I won’t go into that right now because it is part of my testimony, and that is a fantastic story, but that is for another time.