Grief Affects Us All

Having experienced many types of grief, I can attest to the fact that is a very draining experience.  It hits us like a bombshell. We feel that there will be nothing that can give us relief from this terrible pain.

Even when we have spent much time in Anticipated Grief it doesn’t seem to matter. In this article, I will speak about the loss of a spouse. I am the last of my original family, so I have experienced losses of all kinds.

Married to a beautiful lady for thirty years, it seemed too much to go on. Children are grown and away, and friends and family didn’t really know what to say, and some avoided visiting.

When we are grieving, days are so long, and nights are lonely, and some nightmares at times don’t help. But all is not lost if you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. He promises to comfort us. Jesus said in John 14:18  “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

It is important to know that our Lord Jesus suffered much and in many ways the same as we do.  When the Lord Jesus found out that his friend Lazarus had died, the shortest verse in the Bible tells us in, John 11:35  “Jesus wept.” Yes, our Lord grieved over a friend that had died, but this needed to be so that the scriptures could show us his mighty power. The Lord Jesus Christ in all His divine power rose up Lazarus from death to the amazement of all at the scene.

For saved Christians, we have the promises of God that we too will rise to be with our Lord, and it is going to be an awesome time.

I will be bringing you more biblical promises from God in the coming posts, and will be speaking more about grief, and how we can get victory over it.   I have been counseling in grief for over thirty years and have seen thousands of people through the healing process, and will share with you how you too can heal through the grace of God.

Until then I pray that God, the God of all comfort will hold out His hand to you, and you will reach out and take hold and feel the love and the mercy that He has for you.

A servant of the Lord,

Pastor Don


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