We are living in a nation right now that is going along with this lost world that is in rebellion with God. Our nation has taken God out of everything. During World War Two we were a praying nation. We prayed everywhere. We prayed in our schools without shame and without any interruptions.

Women were working in the factories and on the docks. No, it wasn’t woman’s liberation, it was because our men were away at war, and women were doing anything that they could do to help win the war.

After we won the war, our fighting men came home and returned to their jobs, The women came home to their jobs of taking care of the home and raising the children.

The problem was we were not praising God for answering our prayers and giving Him all the Glory. We were taking all the credit for the victory. That was the beginning of this nation forgetting about God.

In the sixties, Women’s Lib came along then Gay Lib. We have come a long way baby. But, what have we come to? Divorce rates sky-high more one-parent families, same-sex marriages, children growing up with only two mommies, or only two daddies, protests, and riots.

Drugs are more prevalent than ever before, Illegals entering our country by the thousands, and I think of all the people from all over the world who entered our country legally and helped to make it a great country. ”No wonder this world is in such a mess and our teenagers will be the leaders of our nation in the coming years. Oh my, God, have mercy on them and on us.

All this because we stopped praying and praising God, and have gotten to the point where we are Getting Rid of God out of everywhere and everything.

Have you also taken notice of all the tragic events that have taken place during this period of time in our nation? You may have forgotten all about God, but God has not forgotten. Galatians 6:7-8 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Whether you believe it or not, or don’t even give it a thought, there is a literal Heaven and a literal Hell. While we are living on this earth we, yes WE, will decide whether we go to Heaven or Hell.

I went to church all my life, until one day the Lord Jesus Christ found me hiding in my church and my own self-righteousness, and saved me from that and save me from going to Hell.

My prayer for you is that you do not go to hell.

2 thoughts on “HELL, DO NOT GO THERE

  1. Linda Mae West

    Your message is so true and timely. Our American institutions are in a mess because God has been kicked out and forgotten. Let’s pray for true Christians everywhere to get revived and get the gospel message out wherever they go!

    1. doncares Post author

      We need more Linda Mae’s out there. See my article on “What’s Wrong With America.” We are certainly in agreement. We are in the last days, and true Christians should be out there FISHING!


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